Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Tools and Information

Nursery Rhymes
Lesson Plans and Lyrics

ECE Professional Development
Music/Stories for SEL & Language

IMPACT: When our nursery rhymes and resources were tested as a tool for supporting SEL and language in classrooms and homes of preschoolers:


of teachers reported better manners and more kindness, empathy and gratitude among their students


of parents said there was improvement in their child’s language and literacy skills


of teachers said they would recommend the program to a friend or colleague

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Tools and Information

"Social-emotional learning (SEL) is the process of developing the self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills that are vital for school, work, and life success." - The Committee for Children

Printable Emoji Mood Page

Printable Song Prompt for Books

From the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence:

From the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning:

From the Ecological Approaches to Social Emotional Learning (EASEL) Laboratory:

Nursery Rhymes
Lesson Plans and Lyrics

Printable Emoji Mood Page

Printable Implementation Plan

ECE Professional Development
Music and Stories for SEL and Language

Pam is available to provide a Webinar for early childhood educators and organizations on Music and Stories for SEL and Language Development.

For more information, click here

or contact Pam directly at

Here's what attendees of Pam's webinar had to say:

The webinar was very enjoyable and I learned so much. I can't wait to implement what I learned with the families and children with which I work. - Angela M.

Excellent presentation on SEL & Music. I look forward to applying several of the activities with my class. - Yolanda T.

I loved the daily feelings check-in with the emojis! I'm a children's librarian and it will work wonderfully at the beginning of my weekly story time! - Barbara J.

I thought the content was excellent. It was engaging and interesting and quite frankly, a fun session. I can definitely use the materials and information shared with my groups in such a more meaningful way after this webinar. - Andrea S.