Why Kinder Times?
There is an emphasis on competition, performance and achievement in our society that often overshadows the need for more caring and compassion in the world. Consensus and compromise have taken a back seat to polarization and demonization of those who don’t share our views, backgrounds and cultures. We can do better for the children we love to illustrate and model the kindness that is so important to forming healthy relationships with others.
Why Kinder Rhymes?
Existing Mother Goose stories and nursery rhymes are over 300 years old, outdated and “dark.” Must we still read and sing about three blind mice whose tails get cut off by a carving knife, about a baby who falls out of a tree “cradle and all”, about a black sheep who has a master and a dame? We can do better with Nursery Rhymes for Kinder Times® featuring stories and songs that show what it means to be kind, empathetic and grateful.
Why Preschoolers?
Infants and children experience explosive growth and development from ages 0-5. However, many evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL) tools for preschoolers are costly and hard to access and implement. With the situations depicted in our new nursery rhymes, grown-ups will have engaging stories and songs with embedded messages that lead to rich conversations about how to be kind, empathetic and grateful. Whether in the classroom or at home, listening, reading, viewing, singing and discussing these rhymes will be easy and joyful.
Resources for All
Each rhyme is accompanied by research-based tools. An emoji face mood chart helps preschoolers identify and label emotions that they or the story characters are feeling. Each rhyme also has guiding questions designed to stimulate conversations that build cognitive and emotional intelligence and support language and literacy. Children and adults will have opportunities to practice perspective-taking, to recognize and label emotions, to discuss emotion regulation, and to see kindness, empathy and gratitude brought to life in whimsical ways. No professional development necessary!